Category Archives: Children

Tara has been a dear friend of mine for the past 10 years. It has been a joy watching these darling children grow up!View full post »

Here and there
This poor blog has been neglected since our darling baby girl came into our lives last spring. We can’t get enoughView full post »

Explanations, and a new direction
It feels nice to finally put up another blog post! I’ve been missing for the past couple of months, for lots ofView full post »

Popcorn Popping
Lucas was baptized back in April. His mom wanted two things from our session: water, and apricot trees. Check, check.View full post »

Something old, something new…
This session might be considered “old”, because I took it back in October if you can believe it. SomethingView full post »

K. children
I have several sessions from this winter that I need to post…one of which are portraits of these adorable childrenView full post »

Two more days.
…until I know if I will continue to see these little lambs every weekend. One of my favorite families willView full post »

el Luchador (the wrestler)
So you may not know this about my family, but our favorite show EVER is Nacho Libre. We can quote it like nobody’sView full post »

:: Christensen Family ::
I love this time of year! Here is a cute, cute family who wanted their portraits in the beautiful changing leaves. WeView full post »

Mindy and Spencer’s bunch
You know how you have those special friends that, no matter how much time goes by your connection stays strong? Mindy isView full post »

:: Sequence ::
Since we’re in the process of moving I haven’t been able to do much by way of editing and blogging lately.View full post »

“My” baby J
Okay, okay… he isn’t my baby. But I’d take him in a heartbeat if my dear sister ever became tired ofView full post »

A touch of Whimsy
I’ve never entered a photo challenge at before, but this week’s “whimsical”View full post »

A good summer so far!
One of my favorite features of summer is longer days… so I can get out in the beautiful light and photograph forView full post »

~ B Family ~
This darling family has been waiting to do their pictures since before Christmas, but we never could get our schedules (View full post »