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Tuesday Tricks

I revisited some older pictures from last spring, looking for something to use for a Tuesday Trick post when I stumbled across this sweet girl. Just for fun I also looked up the first edit I did (about a year ago) to compare it with how I’m editing now. It’s interesting! I feel like I’ve learned a lot, and while I always want to be improving I feel like I’ve made some progress. The first is my original, the second is my edit from last year, and the third photo is the edit I did last night. Hope you enjoy!! My hubby and I are on our way to a Bon Jovi concert tonight…

:: Original ::

:: Last year’s edit ::

:: Yesterday’s edit ::

August 25, 2012 - 6:14 pm

marlie - {wowee} all the more reason to have a Mentoring Session for me!!!!

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